Death Note: "Iconic Lines Of Death Note Characters You Should Know." [THE OTAKU HIRA].

 Death Note: "Iconic Lines Of Death Note Characters."

                                      "Light Yagami"

"Iconic Lines Of Light Yagami"

1."I'm Justice." 

2."I Will Create The New World."

3."I Win, Near."

4."I Have Once Considered Finding That Note Book And Gaining This Power a Misfortune."

5."I'll Make You Trust Me."

6."I'm Riding The World Of Evil And Creating a Utopia."

7."I'm Kira The One Who Will Deliver Justice."

8."It Is Just As I Planed." 

9."What Do You Think About It L, This Is My Perfect Victory." 

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                                           L  Lawliet

"Iconic Lines Of L."

1."I'm Justice."

2."I Wanted You To Be Kira."

3." I Am L."

4."If I Was Kira You Would Be Dead."

5.''If I Die, Would You Take Over For Me."

6."Light-Kun Is My First Ever Friend."

7."I, L, In Fact Exist."

8."I'm That Monster."

9."I'll Give You This Strawberry, If You Kept It a Secret."

10."Do not Be Shy Light." (He repeated that when Misa called Light in room and said do not be shy.)

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