"What Are The Benefits Of Watching Anime?" [THE OTAKU HIRA].

 "What Are The Benefits Of Watching Anime?"                    [THE OTAKU HIRA].

Anime provides a unique window in Japanese culture, traditions and societal norms. By it's narratives, settings and character analysis viewers or anime fans/lovers can observe a deep understandings about Japanese culture and historical interactions.

Is Watching Anime Good For Brain?

Watching Anime can be helpful to reduce stress, anxiety, overthinking and depression temporary. Some Genres of Anime can make you feel good in any bad situation and you can have a peaceful moment in your life. Even though a Mental Health Professional said that " Anime absolutely can have positive mental health benefits."     


What Are Educational Benefits Of Watching Anime?

Watching Anime can Improve Creativity and Critical Thinking. Students could start exploring their creativity along with academics. It could also help them make decisions at any intense situation. If we talk about me the Monitor of my class whenever I'm in any problem at school first of all I  starts observing the situation immediately and makes decisions according to observation and situation then I again think about the decisions I made and then I takes action according to the decision I made. If there is 0.01 percent chance of my Decision being wrong and I feels it, I just starts manipulation. But I don't manipulates peoples to fulfil my own desire.          

Can Watching Anime Help You To Learn Other Languages?

Yes, Watching Anime can help us to learn Japanese Language and it can also help to improve English Language. 

Can We Get Motivation From Anime?

Yes, Watching Anime Motivates you. There are many Anime that keeps us Motivated.  But in my opinion we should not work from Motivation because, it is temporary. Whenever you gets Motivated you gets the energy to do task and sometimes you does multitasking... right? Have you ever noticed that when the Motivation ends it makes you feel like sh*t. Many peoples would get a question that What should we do then? Or, They would say no we never got demotivated. Guys life is too short everyone had or will feel demotivated at any moment of life and they don't know what they should do next. At that moment accepting Disciplined is better. Discipline means  "You have to do something and YOU HAVE TO DO THIS No Matter what situation you are in and what you are feeling." Once you would master it you will become unstoppable and unbreakable.          
