"Famous Nick Names Of Naruto Characters." [ THE OTAKUS].

"Famous Nick Names Of Naruto Characters."

Hi, here are the most famous nick names of Naruto Characters. These are the most beloved characters of all time. You can suggest us some contents in comment section as well. Let the journey begin! 

1."The Yellow Flash Of Leaf." (Namikaze Minato) 

2."The Copy Ninja." (Hatake Kakashi)

3."The Ghost Of The Uchiha." (Madara Uchiha)

4."Jiraya." (Ero Sensei or Pervy Sage)

5."God Of Shinobi." (Hashirama Senju)

6."Scourage Of The Hidden Mist." (Kisame)

7."White Fang Of The Leaf." (Sakumo Hatake)

8."Sasori Of The Red Sand." (Sasori)

9."Demon Of The Hidden Mist." (Zabuza Momochi)

10."Tobi." (Uchiha Obito)
