The U.S. Criminal Justice System. [THE OTAKUS].

The U.S. Criminal Justice System.

The criminal justice system is an organization that exists to enforce a legal code. These are the branches of U.S. criminal justice system: police, courts and correction system.

1.  Mass incarceration, its causes and consequences.
A.  Mass incarceration.
     Massive in term of total number.
     Massive in the term of disproportionate impact on people of color.

     1. Tough on crime policies

             Examples of these policies: policing, arrest, charging, and convictions,                  Longer and mandatory sentences, Three strikes laws and other recidivism             law, Federalizing crimes.

          What leads to these policies?

             High crime rates, especially the homicide rate.
             Actors with an interest in system being like this:
                Private prison industries (for profit systems) that makes money by                       putting people in prison.                                                                                   Voters with an interest in these issues addition the peoples who does
                 not want people in prison voting.
                 Victims and their families.
                Death penalty abolitionist who advocate for life without parole                               an alternative.
                 Rural communities for whom prisons are the source of income
                         Careerist rationales
                         Do good rationale [ acting in the good faith public interest]
                         Limited resources
             Not enough people with power on the other side 
                 Some public interest lawyers, families, sentencing project, mostly                        peoples who don't have the means to enact change or who are not                       politically favored.         
                 One group with power is equal to fiscally concerned.

     2. War on drugs. 

          Huge part of the federal crime 25% and account for about 30% of the                  state increase in crime.
C.   Consequences
        Disproportionate impact on people of color
           Roughly 33% of African American ages 20 to 29 are in some form of                     criminal supervision     
        Strained resources .
