Naruto Shippuden :"What Are The Full Names Of 3 Sannins?[THE OTAKU HIRA].

 Naruto Shippuden :"What Are The            Full Names Of 3 Sannins?


"Small Information About Tasunade:"

Tasunade is the 5th Hokage of Konoha Village and she is also one of the 3 Sages. She belongs from Senju Clan. She is the user of Healing Jutsu. She have crush on Jiraya but she do not shows it. She is so adorable and hot. 

 "What Is The Full Name Of Tasunade?"

The Full Name Of Tasunade is "Tasunade Senju."

                                                                                                             "Jiraya Sensei"        

"Small Information About Jiraya."

Jiraya Sensei is the most powerful Sannin
. He knows how to teach all types of student. Two of his Students became Hokage. He refused the opportunity of becoming the Hokage 5 times. He is the Sensei ( Teacher ) of Naruto , He is 
like a Fther for him. He sees the shadow of Minato (Naruto's Father) in him. His own student Pain killed him in Pain Arc. He is also known as Pervy Sage.

"What Is The Full Name Of Jiraya Sensei?"

The Full Name Of Jiraya Sensei Is "Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki" and is also known as "Jiraya."


Orochimaru is one of the Villains in this Anime. He uses other and gets control on their body by using jutsus and gets their body for looking good. I do not wanna waste my words on that kind of person so lets get to the point.

"What Is The Full Name Of Orochimaru?"   

 Orochimaru was once named as Yashagoro and then he changed his name as Orochimaru.


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